Atif has joined as a postdoctoral researcher in March, 2021, at the Nanotechnology group in University of Salamanca in order to dedicate his research in the field of THz spectroscopy on various meta/biomaterials and corresponding electronic characterizations.

Previously, during his MSc. And PhD, he worked on various III-V(N) and II-VI compound semiconductor nanostructures and corresponding photonic applications which contributed to his 5+ years of academic research experience. Consequently, he authored/coauthored 4 peer-reviewed high-impact journals, as well as, attended multiple international conferences, workshops and summer schools throughout his research career.

Atif was a Marie Curie early stage researcher (ESR) during his PhD studies in University of Cádiz in Spain, that aimed to find the correlation between the functional properties and growth conditions of MBE (molecular beam epitaxy) grown III-V semiconductor nanostructures using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These included III-V QRs and QDs for MIR LEDs and solar cells (Lancaster University, UK) and GaSb/AlInAsSb metamaterials for solar cells (Montpellier University, France). The advanced electron microscopy techniques used for his research were attributed to the double aberration-corrected electron microscope (fully equipped double aberration-corrected FEI Titan cubed Themis 60-300 installed in 2015) and JEOL 2100 electron microscope. He eventually obtained the highest distinction of Sobresaliente Cum Laude for his outstanding performance in his PhD thesis.

Prior to his PhD studies, Atif did his MSc. (Technology) in Micro-and Nanotechnology in Aalto University in Finland. During his master’s thesis he was engaged in developing an angle-resolved reflectometry setup to examine light extraction efficiency from GaN LED structures using Fourier optics. Besides, during his master’s studies, he was also involved in a 5-month research project attributed to microphotoluminescence analysis II-VI nanostructures prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) in University of Technology of Troyes in France. In addition, he went through cleanroom trainings in various phases of his master’s education to realize the fundamentals of microfabrication that complemented his characterization analyses.

Atif completed his bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Summa Cum Laude (highest distinction) in American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) in Bangladesh before moving to Finland for his MSc. studies.




ORCID: 0000-0002-0322-5024